她现在也不用日日受岑墨楠的气,日挨夜挨,劳心劳力,拼命还钱,她有多久没有带过新衣服了?有多久没去逛过街了?这一切都是因为周星月,老天让她遇见周星月,就是要让她去惩罚他,可是偏偏该死的岑墨楠将她扛走了.......... 林嘉人已经将所有的过错归咎于岑墨楠,他一定是这辈子专门来克她的,气得跺跺脚,出到客厅,打开柜子里的样子,一口接一口的喝,顺便还将CD机打开,聼着音乐~~~~~ There are days when I regret it The things I said to you I put my trust in no one It broke my heart and I bmed it on you You were kind and oh so gentle But I refused to see That someone like you existed I was somewhere in denial While you were loving me I cried myself to sleep st night When I woke up There were tear stains on my pillow It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up Without you in my life I will always feel lonely Losing the love From someone like you Not a day goes by without something Reminding me of you The truth is that I miss you It gets so hard not being with you There are times when I go crazy Iwilight of the night How I long to be your woman again There’s pain that I hold That will not let me go I cried myself to sleep st night When I woke up There were tear stains on my pillow It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up Without you in my life I will always feel lonely Losing the love From someone like you I don’t wanna make this too hard But I just wanna be where you are In your life, by your side, forever I cried myself to sleep st night When I woke up There were tear stains on my pillow It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up Without you in my life I will always feel lonely Losing the love From someone like you 是agnes的 losing the love,重复聼了好几遍,不知道酒已经喝了一大半,不知何时留下的眼泪滴落在地板上汇成了一个个小小的水迹。 当岑墨楠洗完澡出来就看到这样一副画面:一个衣衫不整,酥胸半露,两腿叉开,坐在地板上,歪着脑袋,满脸泪痕拼命灌着酒的女人。 他按了按太阳穴,走去扶起她,却被一把推开,「你要干嘛?不要碰我」岑墨楠脸上闪过一丝阴厉,眉头皱得更紧:「你打算今晚就保持这样?」,林嘉人不理他,继续喝着酒。岑墨楠很受挫,忽地觉得自己实在是受够这个不可理喻的女人了。 直接抢过她手里所剩不多的酒瓶:「酒店的酒很贵,要喝去别的地方喝」林嘉人也觉得自己受够,「轰」地站起身,双手钳住他腰,张嘴在他背上又是一口....... 岑墨楠捏紧拳头,等她松口后转过身:「你羊癫疯发作呢?」,林嘉人看着他不説话,只是一个劲地流眼睛,刚开始他还能还无畏惧地与她对视,看着她眼睛好似水龙头般,不断有眼泪流出来,深邃的双眸闪过一丝复杂的光芒,觉得有些对方不对劲,难怪古人会说「唯小人与女子难养也」。 叹了叹气,不自在地伸手想帮她拭去脸颊的泪滴,却被她一手挥开,岑墨楠顿时头疼万分:「你怎麽呢?」见她还是不答话,只是一个劲的哭,最终还是认命地将她揽入光裸的怀中,开始林嘉人还挣扎着要推开他,岑墨楠拍在她的背,慢慢安抚着:「好了~~不要哭了。去洗个澡睡觉吧,时间不早了」 林嘉人这才哽噎地出声:「呜~~我心里有多难受,有多憋屈,你知道吗?」他一时无语,只能默默地揽着她,聼她说些似懂非懂的话:「你知道那个男人是谁吗?」,半天得不到岑墨楠的回答,她在他腰上用力一掐:「你能配合一下,给点回应吗?」岑墨楠除了无语还是无语,硬邦邦地配合她,问道:「那那个男人是谁?」 「他是我前男友,知道我们爲什麽分手吗?」 「不知道」 「哈哈哈~~不知道吧~~其实我也不知道,我们根本就没有分过手,可是又确实分手了?你不明白吧?其实我也不明白」 「呃!!!~~不明白」岑墨楠